In this kind of therapy, the client and the therapist work on constructing an optimal solution to a situation the client is currently in, basing on their resources, successes or assets. The therapist assists the client in discovering the great power which is latent in them, in their family and the surrounding world. They concentrate on the client’s strong suits, showing strong belief that every person has the necessary resources he or she may use when coping with their own difficulties.

The Client is perceived by the therapist as a competent person who is able to comprehend what they wish to change in their life and how to set this process in motion. The therapist respects the Client’s potential and the direction they would like to proceed in. The therapist’s aim is to make the therapy last as short as possible, considering the client’s capacities in achieving the therapy’s objectives.

There are no traditional diagnoses: the Client themselves sets the aims of therapy, evaluates their own progress and make their own decisions when to end it. This form of therapy belongs to structured approaches.

It is connected with supporting changes and with ways of putting them into practice. “The direction is defined not by the type of problems but by the objectives and what the client wants” (Alarcon, Majchrowska, Terapia skoncentrowana na rozwiązaniach, Warszawa 2009, pp. 2-3, translated by Anna Wiechecka).

It is an effective tool in the case of: fears,  conflicts and communication, marital/relationship, family and self-esteem problems. Studies have shown that devising solutions with clients brings success on a regular basis regardless of the actual problems (P. de Jong, I.K. Berg, Rozmowy o rozwiązaniach, Kraków 2007, pp. 303-304).